In the autumn of 2010, an inspirational encounter between AV Basses and renowned Irish bassist Keith Duffy (The Corrs) occurred, and led to the cooperation in developing an exciting new line of instruments. The resulting AVP5 model have become an important part of the AV Basses catalogue. Keith wanted an instrument to fulfil his strict sound and playability requirements, but suitable both live and in the studio. His conception was an instrument with the sound, body shape and vintage character of a ‘Precision’ bass, but enhanced by the addition of a fifth, low B string.
AVP5 is available in many colors. We can say the sky's the limit with colour. The sky's the limit when it comes to color options, starting with classic vintage colors like Vintage White, Vintage Sunburst, Sonic Blue, Fiesta Red, to metallic colors, or even custom graphics. AVP comes with 3-ply tortoise, black, white, cream, or pearl pickguards.